Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hood insulator- ORIGINAL!!! To be proud!

Finally got my hood insulator last week with 11 clips.
Cost me RM292 + RM33(for clips).

Original, the best, I was waiting and waiting for this part to get rid of my engine/AT noise.
However, the result is not stunning, just satisfactory.
1. Engine noise, reduced 50%
2. AL4 wee wee sound, reduced 50%
3. Aeroplane intake noise, inaudible
4. Rain drops noise from front reduced
Quite happy already.

Oh ya, I would like to mention one thing, as per normal, Conti cars are made of high percentage of Eco material, the hood insulator as well as the engine fire wall insulator are made of paper!!! yes, paper!

I want it to last longer, therefore I painted the edge of it, let it absorb into the paper to create some water proof edge. Hope it would last longer, hmmm... should be?