Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Rattles here rattles there rattles everywhere (1).

This car is not any better than other branded cars outside (except those lauzy one, you know what i mean).

This car rattles! On the first day!

I point out the first rattling source I fixed. Many others later.

1. The annoying sun visor:
it is not rattling at this position,

But not like this! And it is not caused by the touch n go card.

Guess what?
This is it!
Put a drop of Super glue inside the sleeve as shown, carefully, to prevent flowing to the outside, the rattles will gone in few seconds.

Feel loose on your car key? same method, put a drop of super glue and that's it! You are done! Opps, you might mistakenly thought I glued it and it stays open, no...... just put a drop between the key and the key slot, don't over fill it.

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