Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My new ride

After driving an Optra for 6 and a half years, itchy heart started.
Saw a newly launched 308 in February 2009, really couldn't stand the beauty of it, must own one, I thought. But look at the payslip, aih.....couldn't really get the THP if I wanted to utilize only 15% of salary for installment.

After struggled for 6 months+, finally got my VTi,' no fish , prawn also can'. Ha!

Still a beauty, isn't it? I took this picture at Sungai Dua Paddy field.
I prefer the 2 crome lines in the mouth of the Vti over the full silver painted THP.

But soon I got it, I found many small issues, like black door bars, black bumper side protector, some rattles, klok klok sound when drive through bumps........ I am gonna busy again, with this new car, well, I was always busy with my Optra too, but my love "transferred to 308 already". ha, men are not created to do multitasks at one time.

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