Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Man I really don't like the black naked protection bars.

This must be the first thing I did, forgot already.

First I remove the protection bars, this is not easy, Peugeot has designed the clips to be very strong and hard to be removed from outside, I dismantled the door panel and un-clipped from the inside.

Once the bars have been removed, you can start the paint job instantly.
First, 'ka1 chang1' : tools.
I went to a paint shop, AIKKA Kampung Benggali, asked them to mix the paint for me. Waited 30minutes, quite efficient I think and never forget to mention, it's just RM20 each!
They recommended me to buy the Plastic Primer too, you want you paint to last longer and never peeled off right? Here they are!

After these 2 coats, normally people will stop, but I would need a nicer and more professional finishing, I also add a clear coat, from Sikkens, great OEM brand for Mercedes Benz.
The spray gun I bought cost me RM280. same price as the compressor!

But the finishing is excellent!

Although there is some color shift, but I am very happy with the result. Looks more THP now, haha.

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